Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Unasked Question

In my earlier blog I looked at a most common question, "What should I do with my life?"

The answer to that question often leads us to dreams and visions of grandeur. We believe that if we have been called to church planting or pastoring we must be the next Driscoll, Chandler, Piper or Warren. If we have been called to business we must be the next Jobs, Gates or Buffet. And so the dreams go, if we've got our "calling" it must mean we are going to be the best, biggest, latest and greatest. Too often we don't ask the question of capacity, "How big is my cup supposed to be?"

When Moses was faced with the overwhelming task of leading the Israelite people his father-in-law gave him the great advice of finding able men and dividing the task. He told Moses to find leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.

When Jesus shared the parable of the talents he offered a picture of his kingdom where some got ten, others five, and some one.

We tend to believe that we are the one able to lead thousands and when asked to lead hundreds, fifties and tens we act like the man given one talent. We bury it. We see the others with more, more resources, more dollars, bigger buildings, a larger staff and a wider influence and doubt the character of the gifter and caller. We like the man with one talent are controlled by fear, fear that this is all we will ever get and so we don't act faithfully with the one. We bury it, ignore it, and secretly (or not so secretly) long for more.

Perhaps we've been called to the hundreds, fifties or you trust the One who has called?

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