Mark Driscoll a great pastor in Seattle, WA has written a book about it and is giving this book away for free! That's right free, all you have to do is choose to read it online or print it out on your printer. The numbers are staggering, and the consequences are shattering, I encourage each of you to click the link, read the book and then share the information with someone else.
A word of warning, this book is frank, honest and in your face. If you are looking for avoidance and dancing around the issue this is not the book for you. But if you are looking for honest answers and understanding then I encourage you to take a look.

The book is called, Porn Again Christian.(click here to go to the website)
Feel free to come back here and discuss the book. Also, feel free to email me directly if you would like to discuss the book and it's ramifications in person.