Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!
Greetings Friends,
Let me take this opportunity to wish each of you a Happy 2009!
The new year holiday is the one time each year that we typically sit
back and reflect on what has happened over the last 12 months and then
often make plans, resolutions or commitments for the coming months
(even if history shows us that those resolutions last about 2 weeks
before we have forgotten or quit them). As new year's approached I
spent some time sitting, reading, contemplating the year that was
2008, as well as dreaming, planning, hoping and praying for the year
that will be 2009.
The one thing that stands out in 2008 is thankfulness. It has been a
long, windy, and bumpy road. I have said often and loudly, that I
believe life is a journey and if I am correct than this year has been
one of those challenging mountain pass legs. But throughout this leg
of the journey, seemingly fraught with danger and momentous decisions
at each turn, I have had so much for which to be thankful. There is
not a day that goes by in which I do not stop and praise Jesus for my
beautiful wife and great children. They are truly the blessings of my
life, I can not imagine having walked these last 12 months without any
of them.
There is also not a day that has passed that I have not stopped and
praised the Lord for our new church. Whatever your level of
involvement, your faithfulness and support have been overwhelming.
The multiple kindnesses shown to my family, have demonstrated hearts
transformed by the mighty power of God. The generosity of our
Christmas gift left Meg and I stunned and humbled. And those who
support us from afar both financially and through prayer are very much
I would be remiss if I did not also stop to remind us that the thing
we have for which to be most thankful is the Gospel. This road has
accomplished, if nothing else, a healthy and hearty personal reminder
of the joy that is the Gospel of Jesus. Many of us have seen first
hand, our own and others sinfulness and the correct response is not
judgment, anger or bitterness. Instead, may we turn our faces to the
glorious hope for all, Jesus.
As we look forward to 2009, I hope that you are as excited as I am to
see all the Lord is going to do. The Gospel of Jesus is alive and
well. We are a people called to be transformed by its’ truth. And we
have been placed on a mission to encounter and engage those around
us. The Lord is going to build His church, I invite you to be part of
that this year. My prayer is that together we will see the Funston’s,
The Journey Fellowship, Sunbury, Central Ohio and the World
transformed by the power of the Gospel.
With much thanks,
Pastor Jerry, Meg and the kids
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