Easter Sunday is a big day, this year it was a particularly big day.
- Churches typically experience their largest attendance of the year, we did.
- Churches often see folks invite friends and family to worship, we did.
- Churches usually get the joy of seeing new Christians, we did.
Here at Journey we also started our transition to multiple worship gatherings, utilized a revamped Journey Kids check-in process, wrapped up our 11 week marriage series & desired desperately to glorify our Risen Savior in music, prayer & preaching....
That leaves me with many thanks to extend
- To our Journey volunteers - thanks for showing up early, staying late & working hard. You sacrificed in a multitude of ways that most will never see...you're the best and I am thankful for each of you.
- To our Journey Kids team - sugared up kids are always fun, you made certain that they heard about Jesus, the cross & the resurrection & so far at least I haven't heard that anyone was lost or maimed. You let the parents concentrate on worship...as a dad and your pastor I appreciate what you do, not just this week, but each and every week.
- To the Journey band - Jesus was the center of attention this week, Jesus is the center of attention each week...thanks for not making our time of worship about you or your skills (even though they are great).
- To our regulars - I know that many of you invited friends, family, neighbors, etc. to worship with us this week. Some came and some didn't....I appreciate your faithfulness in inviting others to worship with us. Together we will keep declaring Jesus as our great savior to anyone, anywhere who will listen.
- To our visitors - we are glad that you were here. We do this every week and you are welcome to join us. We really like Jesus and so don't be surprised if we talk about him again this week, and next week and the week after that...and every week after that...He's a big deal and want everyone to know it!
- To my wife - Meg you are the best...thanks for all you do this week and every week...I could never do this without you!
The great thing is that we get to gather again this coming Sunday....we will celebrate Jesus, the cross & the resurrection. We will declare that He is the hero and that our deepest need continues to be Him! Easter is not the end it is the beginning...

thanks for listening,